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Profile settings
Updated over a week ago

By clicking on your organization's logo and/ or your chosen Profile Picture, you can change your Profile and general Management settings.

By clicking on "Switch Organization" you can switch your current organization to a different one.

You can also invite members to your organization by clicking on "Invite People".

Under "Integrations" you will see all the integrations of our edyocuated platform, that can improve your workflow.

Below that you see your profile picture. If you click on "View Your Profile" your profile overview will show the skills you have built up so far. You can schedule your individual learning time with the calendar view.

Settings to your profile can be made by clicking the right button.

Under "General" you can make general settings to your profile, change personal and demographic information and add your social networks.

In the "Account" section you can select your preferred platform language. Here you also get an overview of all organizations you are a member in or administrator of.

Under "Personalization" you can specify your preferred content language and select additional languages. You can also specify what kind of materials you prefer.

Under "Organization-specific" you can select content preferences of different topics.

To change your organization click on "Switch Organization". You can also change it by clicking on the button with your profile picture and organization logo.

This will bring you to an overview of all organizations you are already a member or administrator of and you can simply click on switch. At the same time you can also join organizations here.

After clicking on your profile picture you can also see all bookmarked materials under Bookmarks.

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