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Create standard learning paths
Updated over 5 months ago

Please note: if you are not sure which type of learning path to create, check out this article on the differences.

1. Introduction

On edyoucated, Learning Paths provide the framework through which you can deliver learning content to your employees. They can be compared to courses or classes. They revolve around specific themes and build upon each other in terms of content progression.

At edyoucated, you have the option to create four different types of learning paths:

  1. Standard

  2. Adaptive

  3. External Course

  4. SCORM File

2. The Standard Learning Path

In a Standard Learning Path, learners complete materials in a predefined sequence. This approach is similar to the traditional learning experience in digital classrooms. Standard Learning Paths are suitable when you don't aim to personalize the learning experience and don't need to track progress at the skill level. This can be useful for mandatory courses or onboarding, where complete coverage of content is required.

3. Creating a Standard Learning Path

The standard learning paths can be found under Learning Paths in the admin area of the navigation menu on the left side.

Click + Learning Path to build a new learning path and pick Standard from the following options.


First set the title and the language, then click Create Learning Path.

Please note: The language cannot be changed once it has been created. Standard learning paths have only one language.

4. Editing a Standard Learning Path

In the learning path details, click "Edit" to open the Learning Path Builder.

In the user interface of the Standard Learning Path Builder, you can review all the content of the selected learning path. The (1) title of the learning path is displayed at the top left. In the middle you can see (2) details about the section currently selected. On the right side, you'll find (3) stats about the learning path, such as the number of materials used, the number of quizzes, and the total duration of the learning path. On the left side is the (4) content overview, showing all (5) sections and (6) materials currently used in the learning path. Add sections by clicking (7) "+ Add Section". Add content blocks and materials by clicking (8) "+."

The Standard Learning Path Builder divides Standard Learning Paths into customizable sections. Within these sections, you can add, remove, and arrange materials and content in your desired order. For learners, this provides a high degree of clarity and content structure, while for administrators, it offers effective utilization of the available resources on our edyoucated platform.

Adding Content

To create new content blocks, select the (2) format of the content from the (1) content block overview.

The selected format will be added to your learning path, where you can edit it directly in the (1) learning path overview.

Content blocks can be selected in the (1) content overview. You can browse all entries for keywords or filter entries by (2) category and/or (3) owner. The (4) list view displays all relevant content blocks, along with their titles, material types, and durations. To add a block, select it, and it will automatically appear in the content overview.

Adjust the order of sections by (1) dragging and dropping them within the content overview.

Change the (1) title of a section by editing it. This allows you to structure the content into segments and provides the learner with a better overview.

Adding Final Exams and Quizzes

In the Standard Learning Path Editor, you also have the option to create final exams to assess learners' understanding of the content provided. To do this, add the structure block labeled "Final Exam".

Afterward, in the section overview, you can see all essential stats about the final exam at a glance, such as (1) the number of questions and (2) the required points. To change this information, click on (3) Edit.

In the final exam editing section, you can edit the (1) title of your exam, adjust the (2) points required to pass, and set the (3) maximum number of questions per exam. If you wish to create more questions than will be asked in the actual exam, choose "Randomize question order" to automatically shuffle questions. Click on Save to save your changes.

To add questions, open the Content Block Overview and select the format you desire. To learn more about question types, click here.

Saving Changes

After personalizing content, click "Save content" to save your changes.

Customizing existing Learning Paths

Existing Standard Learning Paths can also be customized for your organization using the Standard Learning Path Builder. This is particularly useful when you want to adapt an existing one to suit your organization's and employees' needs.

To personalize a Standard Learning Path for your organization using the Learning Path Builder, select the desired Standard Learning Path from the Learning Path overview. Click on the chosen learning path to open its details and click on Edit as you would with a newly created learning path.

5. Sharing a Learning Path

Subsequently, you can share the personalized learning path with members of your organization in the learning path details. Choose the "Share" tab and specify which learners can see this learning path. You can share the path with all users of the organization or only with specific users.

6. Publishing a Learning Path

All personalized learning paths stay in the Draft status initially. You can view the status on the right side of the screen under "Status."

Click on "Publish" to make the learning path accessible to the designated audience. They will now find the path in the library or through the search function.

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