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Learning Material Creation
Updated over a week ago

Please note: Do you have large amounts of materials that you would like to import? We are happy to help you.

1. Learning Material Sources

External website

This source type includes all content that you can link to. This can include freely accessible sites such as video platforms or blogs as well as restricted access areas such as Sharepoint, Google Drive, your intranet, Confluence, Notion and others.

Please note: Make sure learners have the appropriate access rights for external content.

Uploaded file

Here you can upload your own files. These can be video and image files, PDFs, doc formats, xls formats, and other file types.

These files can also be downloaded by learners.

SCORM file

Upload SCORM files that you have created yourself or obtained from third-party providers.

Please note: You already have partnerships with content providers and would like to create the content in edyoucated as well? We will be happy to support you personally.

Formatted text

Use this option to create your own pages directly in edyoucated. This can be very helpful e.g. for an introduction or to structure the playout of other materials for the learners.

2. Create and edit learning material

You can create learning materials either globally in the Material library of Content management (left navigation menu), or directly during the creation of atoms in the Skill Taxonomy.

To access the material library

Creating new material in the detail view of an atom

The procedure for creation is identical in both cases: first select the source of the material:

Depending on the source, a new page with setting options will now appear:

For External Website

For external material, enter a URL (1)

For Uploaded File and SCORM

For uploaded and SCORM files, upload a file. The remaining fields are identical

First give the material a title (name). Linking the URL or uploading a file and the duration specification are mandatory fields.

(1) External website: Enter the URL of the external material here. You can use publicly available sites here (e.g. video platforms or blogs), but also links to cloud applications that require learner access. (e.g. Sharepoint, Google Drive, Intranet).

Uploaded file and SCORM file: To upload files, use the drag and drop feature or click Browse your computer.

Formatted text: Write your text in the field. You can also include links and image files.

(2) Specify the duration to complete the material. This will be used afterwards e.g. to specify the duration of a learning path.

(3) For the material purpose you can choose between the following options: Educational, Example, Exercise, Guidance, Inspirational, Reference and Tip.

(4) You can choose between Audio, Text, Video and Interactive as material types.

(5) Set the language of the material (if applicable).

โ€‹Please note: This cannot be changed once it has been created.

On the right side of the screen, after you specify at least the title and a URL, you will see a preview of the material.


Preview for a YouTube video

Preview for a blog article

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