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Edit skill taxonomy
Updated over a week ago

The edyoucated skill taxonomy is the central element of our skill-based learning platform. In it you will find the skills from which you can for example compile your adaptive learning paths.

1. Concept

Our skill taxonomy can be thought of as a Lego kit from which learning paths and skill profiles are put together. The individual skills correspond to Lego pieces that are included in the building set.

Our skill taxonomy consists of 3 levels of hierarchy:

  • Skills correspond most closely to what you would colloquially think of as skills and typically put on a resume or LinkedIn profile (e.g., Microsoft Excel or Agile Project Management)

  • Chapters break skills down into their components. They can be captured well by asking yourself "What chapters would I need to learn to master the skill?" (e.g., charts in Excel or Kanban)

  • Atoms are the most granular building blocks of our skill taxonomy. We think of atoms as the smallest possible learning unit for a given skill (e.g., Create a bar chart or Kanban WIP limit)

How are learning materials and skills related?

Learning materials are attached to atoms. Several materials can be attached to an atom (e.g. an introductory text, an explanatory video and an exercise). To distribute these to learners, atoms are put together into learning paths (= modular courses).

Atoms from different skills can be combined in any way. For example, an adaptive learning path for new managers could contain atoms for leadership styles as well as for project management.


2. Navigation and view

You can find the skill taxonomy under Skills management in the admin section of the navigation menu on the left.

You can display the taxonomy in a tree or list view.

While the tree view provides a better visual overview, the list view is mainly suitable for applying the various filters.

Taxonomy - tree view

Taxonomy - list view

Within the skill taxonomy, we call the individual elements items (skills, chapters, and atoms). Learn how to work with them below.

3. Create new items

Option 1 - By button + creating on overview site

Create new items in the taxonomy by clicking the + Create button. You can find it in the upper right corner of the tree and list view of the skill taxonomy.

Give the new item a name and select the appropriate level (skill, chapter or atom). For chapters and atoms, the parent items need to be selected as well.

Option 2 - Directly in tree view

If you want to work on the taxonomy directly in the tree view, first click the Edit icon.


You are now in edit mode and can add new items.

To add items of the same level, hover the mouse over an item and click the plus icon that appears.

To add items of a lower level, click + to create a new chapter. You will see this only if a parent item has no children yet.

Please note: You can currently only use this option to add chapters or atoms to items you have created yourself. In edit mode, a filter is automatically set for this purpose so that you can only see your own items.

Option 3 - Directly in the parent item

You can create new items (applies to chapters and atoms) directly in the detail view of a parent item.

Please note: You can currently only edit items created by your organization. To display only these, use the filter items button in the list view, or the only skills from [YourCompany] checkbox in the tree view.

In list view

In tree view

To do this, click on Edit relationships on the detail page of the parent item.

Then you can either add existing items (1) from the subordinate hierarchy level, or create them yourself (2).


4. Edit items

Click on the respective item in the list view or on the eye in the tree view. The eye appears when you move the mouse over the item.

Skills and chapters

Since most of the relevant settings can be found in the atoms, the options here are limited to:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Relationship to other items


In the General tab, you can edit the following settings:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Relationship to parent items

  • Define preset atoms

In the Contents tab, you specify which materials and questions should belong to the atom.

1. Add lessons

Click edit Lessons (1) to add materials to the atom.

Using the search field (a) you have the possibility to add materials from your library.

By clicking + Create Material (c) you can create new materials and add an atom.

For more information on creating materials, see this article on creating materials.

2. Add questions

Click add (2) to edit the questions for the atom.


Assessment questions

Under (a) you specify the self-assessment question. This will be displayed to learners when the atom is played out in a learning path. If the question you set is answered yes, the atom will be skipped in the learning path. There is only one of these questions per atom. You can also magic generate (b) new questions with our integrated AI.

Knowledge assessment

If you also want to add a knowledge check to the atom, you can do this in section (b). To do this, select existing questions using the search field or create new questions by clicking + Create question.

For more information on this topic, see the article on creating questions.

3. Additional settings

Here you have the option to specify whether an assessment question is asked for the atom in the learning path. If you turn this off, the atom is always part of the learning path and cannot be skipped by learners. This can be useful for mandatory or onboarding courses, for example.

4. Edit languages

In the upper right corner (4) you have the possibility to switch between languages for editing the item.

5. Delete items

You can remove items in the list view. If you move the mouse over a line, the corresponding button appears at the end of the line.

The software automatically warns you when removal may not be advisable due to active dependencies.

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