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Mandatory Trainings
Updated over a week ago

Mandatory trainings are typically used for compliance and/or safety trainings. They are displayed prominently on the dashboard for employees. A due date can be set and emails are sent to employees as a reminder based on the due date.

1. Create a mandatory training

To create a new mandatory training, first select Mandatory Training (1) in the menu on the left.

Then click on + Mandatory training (2) to create a new training. Give your training a title and click on Create mandatory training.

After you have created your mandatory training, a box with a link to your new training appears in the bottom right corner. Click on View mandatory training (3) to continue editing the training. Alternatively, you can click on the new training in the list.

Click on Edit (4) to edit the new mandatory training. Now add a learning path (5) that contains the content of the training. If you have not yet created a learning path or do not know how to do this, you can find out more here. Now you have to enter a due date (6) when the mandatory training is due. This date will be displayed to the employees.

Now you can determine which employees are to complete this compulsory training. To do this, select Edit (7) to then assign individual persons (8), teams (9) or the entire organisation (10) to the training.

Finally, you have to publish your training by clicking on Schedule Training to publish your draft.

2. Reminder emails for employees

Employees are informed by email when a new mandatory training has been assigned to them. They also receive a reminder email when the due date approaches or expires.

3. Report

Under the tab Report (1) you can see which employees have completed the training and when.

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