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Find and attend journeys

Learn how to access, filter, and progress through structured learning journeys effectively.

Updated over 6 months ago

Learning journeys are structured combinations of various learning items arranged in a specific sequence. They guide learners through a series of content to achieve a particular goal. For example, this approach is often used to organize onboarding programs within organizations.

Who can use this feature?

  • Available on All Plans

  • Available on Desktop and Mobile

Accessing journeys

To access learning journeys, click on the Journeys button in the main navigation. This will take you to the overview page where all journeys within the organization are listed.

Once you've signed up for a journey, you can also find it on the home screen in the Your journeys section:

Filtering journeys

On the left side of the overview page, you will find two filters:

  • Attendance filter: Choose to display only journeys you have registered for or those you have not yet registered for.

    Status filter: Filter journeys based on their status: In Progress, Upcoming, or Past.

Viewing journey details

Once you select a journey, click on the journey card to access the journey detail page. It provides structured information about the journey, including:

  • The time frame of the journey

  • The title and description of the journey

  • The steps involved, which may include learning paths, events, or individual learning materials

  • Information on the language, content length, and deadlines for each step

On the right side, a summary displays the number of steps, total duration, participant limits, host information, language as well as the Sign up button to register for the journey.

Registration process

  1. Registering for a journey: Click the Sign up button on the journey details page. Note that registration is typically not allowed after the journey start date unless late sign-up is enabled by the host.

  2. Automatic event registration: If the journey includes events, you may be automatically registered for them. A dialog box will inform you of this, and you will receive email confirmations for each event.

Tracking progress in a journey

After registration, the journey detail page may display announcements, such as upcoming events. Your progress is shown with a progress bar, divided into colored segments for each step:

  • Gray: Step was not started yet.

  • Blue: Step is on track.

  • Green: Step was completed.

  • Orange: Step is overdue.

  • Red: Step was missed.

Interacting with journey steps

Clicking on a step in the schedule redirects you to the relevant learning content, which could be a learning path, material, or event. The content is displayed similarly to accessing it outside the journey, with an additional bar at the top of the page showing the journey name and step.

Return to the journey detail page by clicking the journey name in the top bar. Use the Continue learning button to move to the next uncompleted step. The hamburger menu in the top right opens a sidebar listing all journey steps and their statuses, allowing you to navigate directly to any step.

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